What The World Needs More Of... Podcast
Focused on inspiring stories that bring to life the little (& big) ways people bring more love, joy, laughter & humanness to every day life... Our focus is to hunt for those little reminders that refuel the human soul & reminds us what life is really all about

Monday Mar 04, 2019
Andy Stein - What The World Needs More Of... Love + Laughter + Magic
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Guest: Andy Stein
Age: 54 Years
Location: New York, NY
Bio: Andrew Stein founded the Orphaned Starfish Foundation in 2001 to help orphans, victims of abuse and at-risk children worldwide escape their cycles of poverty and abuse through education and job training. From humble beginnings building a small computer vocational training center in an orphanage for young victims of abuse in Santiago, Chile, he has built the Foundation to now serve over 13,000 children in 60 programs in 27 countries: Argentina, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru, Honduras, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Ecuador, Haiti, Cambodia, Colombia, Ethiopia, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Uruguay, American Samoa & Nepal. Andy has partnered with local partners in each of these countries, including Save the Children, Rotary Club, and USAID. "Tio Andy! Tio Mago!" Andy makes yearly visits to each Orphaned Starfish program. Mago is Spanish for Magician. He brings a magic show complete with balloon animals for all the children. (His highest amount recorded was 1,000 balloon animals in one sitting.) His visits also allow for a personal connection not only to the children but to the institutions and their directors and teachers. Every visit helps OSF learn what is needed at our programs so we may better serve these children. Every trip also allows for new program scouting. For his work helping the children of the favelas of Brazil, Andy was awarded an Honorary Citizenship in Rio De Janeiro by their Congress. In the United States, he has also been awarded the Jefferson Award for Community Service, the key to the city of Miami Beach, NJ Islanders Hometown Hero, Commack High School Alumni of the Year, and several other state and local honors. He and the Orphaned Starfish Foundation have been featured on CNN, CNN en Espanol, Forbes, CBS News, Fox News, ABC News, Telemundo, and Univision as well as in the Wall Street Journal, Miami Herald, Star-Ledger, Jewish Week and US Magazine. Prior to his work with Orphaned Starfish, Andy was active in Special Olympics, Rotary Club, and Counterpart International. Andy Stein is a recovering banker having worked in banking for nearly 25 years. He was President and CEO of Makopastreet Partners, LLC. Makopastreet Partners provides senior debt financing for luxury and ultra-luxury hotel, and mixed-use developments, as well as infrastructure projects worldwide. Andy has been a featured speaker at several industry conferences worldwide and was a guest professor on the topic of international hotel finance at Wharton for the past several years. Andy was a Senior Vice President at a large German Bank, running their Hospitality Division and, prior to that was a Vice President at Chase and its predecessor institutions focussing on Infrastructure and Project Finance. From 1993 – 1996, Andy was based in Manila, the Philippines as the Joint Head of Corporate Finance for Chase’s (formerly Chemical Bank’s) Manila Branch. During his tenure in Manila, Andy developed the Bank’s project finance and hospitality expertise in the Philippines. Andy also was instrumental in the execution of the Brady Plan bonds, which restructured the bank debt of several Latin American and Asian countries. Andy holds a B.A. in Economics and International Relations from the University of Virginia. Andy is married to Dilia Stein and has two sons, all very much involved with Orphaned Starfish Foundation. Andy lives in New York City when not traveling for the Foundation.
The World Needs More Of:
1. Caring for Others: People willing to give an opportunity to those most in need of it.
2. Love, Laughter and, of course Magic
Wow Factor: My WOW factor is that I left a successful career in banking to spend my life dedicated to helping orphans, victims of abuse, survivors of trafficking, indigenous children and at-risk youth break their cycles of abuse and poverty. Over 18 years ago, I was one of the top fliers for Continental Airlines for all my business travel. I told each bank country manager that in order for me to get on another plane and pitch business, they had to find me an orphanage and time in the schedule to play with those kids, make balloon animals and help them with their work and homework. 18 years ago, in one such orphanage in Chile, the nuns told me that when each girl reached the age of adulthood, they had to leave the orphanage and each girl that left would become a prostitute or live on the streets. I started the Orphaned Starfish Foundation to help these girls, building a state of the art computer center in their orphanage, and it was magic. Six months later the younger girls were the head of their classes, the older girls learned computer skills, and, since we started, only one girl went to the streets, and all others got into university or got jobs.
Favorite Color: Blue

Friday Mar 01, 2019
Carol-Ann Reid - What The World needs More Of... Spiritual Warriors
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Guest: Carol-Ann Reid
Age: 30 years
Location: Manchester, United Kingdom
Bio: Carol-Ann Reid is an international Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Radio Presenter and Motivational Speaker from the UK. She believes that through self-awareness, a clear vision and collective consciousness, we can each be living the life that we are destined for, and co-create a positive movement around the world. It all starts with you! Having lost her Step Dad to suicide and her best friend to cancer within just 18 months, she found herself with two choices; breakdown and lose herself in the anxiety and guilt, or get up and do whatever it takes to help other people with their mindset and being light into darkness. Carol-Ann now specializes in helping people create a life free from anxiety, lack of self-belief and feeling stuck, by helping to re-create their self-identity and ignite their happiness from within. The “Warrior Within” movement supports those who are ready to step into their power and “Awaken the Warrior Within”. Thus resulting in increasing their happiness, finances, and freedom both physically, spiritually and mentally.
The World Needs More:
1. Authenticity
2. Spiritual Warriors
Wow Factor: My WOW factor is my ability to help people expand their way of thinking and create positive change. A few moments that helped shape it over the years sound painful, they were at the time but I now see them as lessons and I am grateful for the experiences. They were the platform which I needed to fall down on before rebuilding stronger than I was before. I was held against my will in an apartment for 3 days when I was 20, I was made to take drugs and physically assaulted. I had to escape from where I was, which was one of my wake up calls! I began rebuilding my life which lead me to discover the power of self-identity and internal happiness. I lost my stepdad to suicide a few years ago and this opened up my eyes to the power of the mind and the impact our thinking and self-talk has on our lives. This led me to dedicate my career to learning about mindset, neuroscience, spirituality and I became a mindset coach specializing in CBT and NLP. Helping others overcome their negative self-talk, discovering who they truly are and awaken the Warrior Within.
Favorite Color: Yellow

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Alex Marson - What The World Needs More Of... Connection with others & self
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Wednesday Feb 27, 2019
Guest: Alex Marson
Age: 39 years
Location: San Francisco
Bio: The Marson lab at UCSF is developing CRISPR engineering technologies to reprogram human immune cells to create a new class of treatments for cancer, autoimmune diseases, and infectious diseases. Alex Marson completed medical school at Harvard, Ph.D. training at the Whitehead Institute/MIT, Internal Medicine residency at the Brigham and Women’s and clinical training in Infectious Diseases at UCSF. Marson received the prestigious UCSF Sandler Faculty Fellowship, which offered him an accelerated path to start his own lab. Marson is now an associate professor in the UCSF Department of Microbiology and Immunology, with joint appointments in the Department of Medicine and the Diabetes Center. He is also affiliated with the UCSF Helen Diller Cancer Center. He is the scientific director of biomedicine at the Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) and was selected as one of the inaugural Chan Zuckerberg Biohub investigators. His lab integrates systems-scale investigations of human T cell circuitry with functional perturbation studies, including genome editing in primary T cells.
The World Needs More:
1. Connection -- a shared sense of meaning and purpose. Where there is connection there is hope!
Wow Factor: Tune in and find out!
Favorite Color: TBD

Monday Feb 25, 2019
Monday Feb 25, 2019
Guest: Troy Olds
Age: 47 years
Location: Boise, Idaho
Bio: Troy teaches entrepreneurs and high achievers to optimize their brains & bodies so they can build stronger businesses and communities. Better sleep & self care Better nutrition & supplementation Better strength & movement Better breathing & meditation
The world needs more: I believe the world needs more people who understand that they matter and that they are always making an impact in the world whether positive or negative. That they change the world every time they change their minds. I believe the world needs more people practicing and teaching how to use the mind & body to affect change in their own lives as well as the world they live in. It is learnable and we live in the most amazing time where internal exploration has become an exciting adventure producing extraordinary change. If we are going to take something mainstream, let it be to practice and teach the exploration of that kingdom of heaven of our own conscious and unconscious mind.
Wow factor: I make others feel safe so that we can have vulnerable and authentic conversations in which we explore new ways to live our lives more responsibly and awake to what life can teach us. Pain and the process of moving through it have been my greatest teachers. Deep pain has given me the eyes to feel extraordinary joy, hear my intuition and understand the empathy I've always experienced. With those life experiences and a constant seeking out of coaches & associations who live lives I respect, I learn from them and continue to create a life that looks more and more like that of the vision I hold in my mind of my higher self.
Favorite Color: What's the name of the color of a sunset? That's my favorite color

Friday Feb 22, 2019
Whitney Vosburgh - The World Needs More Of ... Shared positive purpose
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Guest: Whitney Vosburgh
Age: 62 years
Location: Berkeley, CA
Bio: Whitney Vosburgh is a co-founder of WORK THE FUTURE! Today, a social venture that offers vision, leadership, and solutions for maximizing personal, organizational and societal potential, and co-author of two recent WORK THE FUTURE! TODAY books on purpose, passion, and prosperity. He is the co-founder of Brand New Purpose, a brand transformation consultancy that creates purpose-built, value-driven opportunities. Whitney is also a consulting Chief Marketing Officer and change agent for Fortune 20 companies and Silicon Valley startups, guiding over $20 billion worth of M&A, IPOs, sales, pivots, and launches. His work is featured in numerous media outlets including ABC, BBC, Newsweek, Time, US News & World Report, Venture, and The Wall Street Journal. He graduated with an M.A. in Religious Leadership for Social Change from the Graduate Theological Union, and with a B.F.A. from Parsons School of Design in New York City. Whitney’s expertise on the Future of Work has been featured in four books, including a bestseller by Dan Pink. When he is not focusing on sustainable business consulting and writing, he can be found making art, and his work has been featured in exhibitions throughout the world. His Tweets can be found at: @brandguru.
The World Needs More:
What the world needs is more shared positive and aligned purpose and value so that we can all become even better together. The world needs a new Operating System as capitalism as it is currently practiced has taken us as far as it can and now threatens our very existence as well as all other living beings and the life system that supports us all. The world would benefit from a new GPS—Global Purpose System—that can take us from the Old Story of Profit First to the New Story of Purpose First, and from the old triple bottom line of profit, people, planet to the new of planet, people, profit and then onto prosperity. Why? Because: no planet, no people, and no people, no profit. Besides, good planets are hard to find!
WOW factor: My WOW—World of Wonder—is that I combine head, heart, and hands with a global perspective. The head represents purpose and business. The heart represents passion, spirituality, and art. The hands represent practice and creation. Having lived all around the world, worked on Wall Street and in the C Suite of Fortune 20 companies, studied at divinity and art schools, and followed the beat of my own drum, I bring a unique POV and gifts to life.
Favorite Color: Turquoise.

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Nicole Walters - What The World Needs More Of... Extending grace to one another
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Guest: Nicole Walters
Age: 34 years
Location: Atlanta, GA
Bio: After working as a powerhouse sales executive at Fortune 500 companies for over 10 years, Nicole Walters quit her job live on Periscope in front of 10,000 people to start her own business. Less than one year later, Nicole had grown her business, The Monetized LifeTM, into a transformative lifestyle brand. Along the way she documented her entrepreneurial journey online, earning her a strong social following, many viral videos, and appearances on Forbes, Good Morning America, and UsWeekly. Through online courses, consulting and networking, Nicole teaches everyday entrepreneurs how to use the proven strategies she mastered in the corporate world to build multiple steady streams of income. Her flagship course, $1K1Day, has helped hundreds of people ranging from single parents to small business owners generate millions in passive income and achieve financial independence. You can count on Nicole for two things: infectious energy and actionable insight. If she hasn’t tested a tactic, she won’t talk about it – and if she has, she’ll share what worked, what didn’t, and why. Whether you own a business, run one on the side or haven’t started one yet, you’ll leave equipped and inspired to find provision in your purpose. Nicole is married to her amazing husband, and general counsel- and mother to 3 adopted sisters, ages 7,16, and 19. They live in Atlanta, GA.
What The World Needs More Of:
1. Extending grace to one another.
2. Good facial exfoliation + Strong trustworthy eyebrows
3. More people living in their purpose!
WOW Factor: Transforming my personal ability to work through my fears, into a story or message that allows others to work through their own. In documenting my business and adoption journey online- viewers have had a transparent, and authentic look at the behind the scenes journey of becoming a mom (from meeting my kids on the streets of Baltimore), to building a multi 7 figure business (from the bathroom vanity table of a falling apart 100 year old house). I was scared the whole time- but because I can do it, it means they can too.
Favorite Color: Yellow!

Monday Feb 18, 2019
Jordyn Kraemer - The World Needs More Of... Finding & Following Your Truth
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Guest: Jordyn Kraemer
Age: 29 years
Location: New York, NY
Bio: Born in California, raised in Minnesota, native New Yorker by design, Jordyn Kraemer lasted only a few months in the corporate world before leaving the safety net of the 9-5 for a life of adventure, travel, and edification. Having manifested her career and lifestyle from the age of 13, Jordyn has created a path for herself that has brought her to the ends of the Earth. From stargazing the Northern Lights in Iceland to skydiving the peaks of Dubai to swimming with the dolphins in Zanzibar, her writing, events, and brand have been an integral tool in the insatiable wanderlust that is Jordyn’s life work. The Blonde Vagabond is a travel and luxury editorial, documenting the best that the world has to offer and artfully sharing its intimacies. From the first-person narrative to white label production and content development, she works closely with the biggest brands in the world to tell a meaningful story. The goal for Jordyn has always been to experience, share, and inspire.
The World Needs More:
1. Finding & Following your truth
2. The world needs more authentic, raw love. Love without screens, or borders. A love that comes from deep-rooted trust in yourself and in the good in people. One that is perpetual and unwavering. Unbiased and abundant. That’s what the world needs.
WOW Factor: I believe my wow factor is my inability to take no as an answer. My refusal to settle, to just accept things as they appear. I want to destroy stereotypes and social norms. I want to inspire and dream, I will never let anyone define what my life looks like, I always follow my heart and trust my journey.
Favorite Color: Olive green

Friday Jan 18, 2019
Antonio Ciraco - The world Needs More Of... Judgement free Kindness
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Guest: Antonio Ciraco
Age: 31 years
Location: Tampa, FL
Bio: My name is Antonio Ciraco and I am a Sales Professional for one of the Nations largest Mercedes Benz Dealerships. I’m 31 years young and full of life! I absolutely love living life on the edge and love to take risks! I believe I am extremely successful with my career because of my past and upbringing. I live for giving back to my family and setting my future up for success while never losing site of who I am and where I have been.
The World Needs More: World needs more people to be kind, care forgiving and smile more. Care about people, things and themselves. If you care and smile more you may just change someone else’s day and who knows what they are going through and what a simple smile or a wave may make someone feel :]. Also be more kind and curteous. It’s effortless. One of my favorite quotes was from a tv show called Friday night lights. It was “there is no weakness in forgiving”. Think about that and let it sit in. There is not weakness in forgiving. If you can try and forgive someone that doesn’t make you a weak person in fact it makes you much stronger and builds your character!
WOW factor: Wow factor for me are a few periods of my life. One is from losing a ton of weight, 85lbs to be exact and the next is my career. What has wowed me is reflecting on the process when I lost the weight and seeing how I, in only 7 months, lost 85lbs by doing it the right way. Changing the way I ate and going to the gym 6-7 days a week. People say they can’t do it but really that is an excuse. By just getting up and making that first step, you’ve already started doing it. Seeing where I was and what I did to accomplish such a hard goal was a huge WOW factor because I have always struggled with weight and seeing the change in my confidence, quality of life, energy and appearance really put me in shock. Next is my career. I have never been more successful than I am right now and do not confuse my confidence with cockiness because bye no means that is that the case. I love what I do and I am very good at it. I’m not your typical pressure kind of sales guy. I am an experience type of salesman. When you get me you are getting the experience. You know the brand your buying so why not just touch base with a few features, safety items but let’s focus on the experience. This has given me a huge set reflection on myself and has given me the confidence in that I know I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing right now and I am killing it! I love the brand, I love my clients and more importantly I love my career and for that I am WOWED by it. But a side note all of this couldn’t and maybe it could’ve but in my eyes I couldn’t and wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for my parents upbringing. They are my personal wow factor and the reason I am so successful. I work hard so that I can give back to them and try and wow my mom and dad sonthdt they can sit back and say wow that’s my son and we raised him right.
Favorite Color: Blue!

Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Dennis Nafte - The World Needs More Of... Self Love
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Guest: Dennis Nafte
Age: 36 years
Location: East Islip, NY
Bio: My ultimate goal in life and my main why has always been to be the best family man I could be, which is why I am a first a husband and a father. I’m married 13 years and have 2 kids ages 5 and 2. I was also an accomplished division 1 student athlete at Stony Brook University. I have a masters degree in education and was also selected to the 2003 division 1 college lacrosse all star team. I was one of the top 5 faceoff men in the country. After feeling frustrated with our current education system and looking for a way to make a bigger impact, I became an entrepreneur and CEO. I started my first company shortly after college and am now the founder and CEO of 4 privately held companies. I believe in giving back and currently support organizations like New York City relief, Easter seals, Bww charities, stony brook lacrosse, Long Beach sports programs, and beauty cares. I truly believes that to who much is given much is expected. My main passion today is mentoring and coaching others to find and develop their purpose in life. What brings me the greatest joy is helping people to identify their talents and abilities and use them in a positive way to better others lives.
The World Needs More: I believe the world needs more of self love because it’s hard to love others until You love yourself. I would love the opportunity to gain your insight on the subject and help people know they are great and we all have magic in us. Especially in a world with social media where people are always comparing themselves to others. I want to help them grow their self image and truly find themselves and help overcome the growing epidemic of depression. One statement that I heard recently that changed my life and meant so much to me was “I’d rather people hate me for who I am then love me for who I’m not”.
Wow Factor: I guess my wow would be my heart and passion for others and to give as much value as I can. I also have a decent sense of humor and seem to be able to make people laugh a lot, which brings me a lot of joy to see people happy. There have been many moments that have shaped my life. Dislocating my elbow my senior year of college only 4 games into the season and having my whole life’s purpose up until that point almost ended made me start to really think about my future. Overcoming the depression and fighting my way back into the season even when all the doctors told me I was done showed me the power of the human mind and soul.
Probably the second was even more recently after accomplishing so many goals of having our dream house, dream cars, and financial goals realizing that it doesn’t really make you happy and fulfilled. That it can also leave you feeling very empty and also create more fear then having nothing which is having everything and losing it. Really realizing that happiness comes from the pursuit of fulfilling our potential on a daily basis and being able to help others do the same. This may seem a little corny but I was watching the movie cool runnings which I had seen dozens of times but this time I heard something that changed my life and it was when the coach said to the driver. “If your not enough without the gold you won’t be enough with it” it hit me so hard because the real win in life is not what we get from it but who we become through it. I believe so many people think they’ll be happy after they do this or they do that without realizing that happiness is a choice that comes from within.
Favorite Color: Blue

Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Guest: Manisha Thakor
Age: 48 years
Location: Portland, OR
Bio: Manisha Thakor serves as the vice president of financial education at Brighton Jones, one of the nation’s most innovative and rapidly growing wealth management firms. With the firm’s support, she is launching her true WELLth podcast in mid-February 2019 that will help people shed the flawed equation that wealth = happiness by giving them tools from a wide range of experts on how to redefine success and craft one’s own definition of true WELLth. Manisha is a Harvard MBA, CFA, CFP, as well as an author/speaker/teacher with extensive national media experience. Visit MoneyZen.com for a full listing of Manisha’s impressive accomplishments over her 25-year career.
The World Needs More Of:
1. A more heartfelt, soulful definition of “enough”
WOW factor: “Simplicity, Small Joys, Financial Independence.” I wrote this down on a napkin as I was flying back from spending a year abroad studying at Oxford University 1990-1991… reflecting upon what I’d learned and what I wanted to use as the core anchors for my life. 28 years later, those three touchstones remain the same and have helped me at points of confusion, overwhelm or crisis… more easily identify (even from a list of really sub-optimal choices!) what next step would bring me back closer to those guiding principals.
Favorite Color: Fuchsia