What The World Needs More Of... Podcast
Focused on inspiring stories that bring to life the little (& big) ways people bring more love, joy, laughter & humanness to every day life... Our focus is to hunt for those little reminders that refuel the human soul & reminds us what life is really all about

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Guest: Susan Sly
Age: 46 years
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Bio: Susan Sly is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, tech investor, mom of 5, and has a passion for inspiring people to live a have it all life. Susan has completed the Boston Marathon 6X, placed top 10 in the pro division of the Ironman Triathlon in Malaysia with a fractured pelvis, and believes that we are capable of so much more than we give ourselves permission for. Her website is www.susansly.com
WOW factor: Gosh - let's see - I have gone undercover in a brothel in Cambodia to do recon for IJM, am a Boston Marathon bombing survivor, have been the top sales team producer in 3 multi-national companies, 5 kids...so many stories.
The world needs more: We are capable of so much more than what we give ourselves permission for. The world needs more people who release themselves from their self-imposed limits.
Favorite Color: red - I am half Asian...lol

Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Guest: Olivia Jaras
Age: 34 Years
Location: Hanover, NH
Bio: Olivia is an internationally recognized expert on the gender wage gap and salary negotiations for women and she is considered one of the top resume experts in the United States. Her work has been featured by Forbes, BBC, CNN, MSN, The World Economic Forum, Recruiter.com, Lifehack.com and hundreds of other media sources all over the world. The founder of Salary Coaching for Women (www.salarycoaching.com), Olivia is also an international, bestselling author of the book “Know Your Worth, Get Your Worth: Salary Negotiation for Women.” Together with her team of experts, Olivia helps women all over the world figure out their market value and how to advocate for it. In the corporate realm, Olivia works with companies to uncover budget-neutral ways to close internal gaps and is often invited as well to lecture and engage with all levels of company audiences. On a global scale, Olivia guides international workshops and advises international development organizations on strategies for closing the gender wage gap. Olivia lives in Hanover, NH with her husband and two daughters. A long-distance triathlete on Team USA, Olivia is a strong believer of eliminating the unnecessary roadblocks in order to successfully balance work, life, and personal ambitions.
The World Needs More: My sincere belief is that women need to be empowered to know their worth and understand how to advocate for it. Over the last few decades, there has been a huge move towards encouraging and government and company transparency relative to women salaries. But it’s all right coaching we believe that until women understand they’re worth, and they understand how to advocate for themselves, the gender wage gap will never close.
WOW factor: Wow factor: My ability to see the gift and women very clearly, and the ability to show them the path to make a living through expressing this gift. There are many, among them, having applied and been rejected from 1231 jobs in my youth, having suffered great embarrassment in the unemployment line during the great recession, having lost way too many loved ones... To landing my dream job and making an amazing living Helping women land their dream jobs and negotiate millions of dollars in raises and starting salaries.
Favorite Color: Teal

Monday Apr 01, 2019
Marly Q. Casanova - The World Needs More Of... Parkers
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Guest: Marly Q. Casanova
Age: 35 years
Location: Miami, FL
Bio: Marly Q. is an award-winning Event Creator, Yoga Teacher, Non-Profit Coach and Inspirational Speaker who recently delivered a TEDx talk titled "Kindness is your Superpower". In 2010, she founded a non-profit and volunteer-driven movement called PARK Project & since then has been on a mission to inspire people to PARK (Perform Acts of Random Kindness) worldwide.
The World Needs More:
1. The world needs more PARKers! (people who Perform Acts of Random Kindness)
WOW factor: My WOW factor might just be that I actually believe that KINDNESS IS MY SUPERPOWER and that changing the state of our inner world (and outer world) can be as simple as BEING THE SPARK and remembering to PARK (Perform Acts of Random Kindness) for yourself and others every day.
Favorite Color: Yellow :)

Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Roxan McDonald - What Does The World Need More Of... Ferocious Gratitude
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Guest: Roxan McDonald
Age: 44 years
Location: Bay Area, California
Bio: Roxan McDonald is a writer, workshop facilitator, and coach. After fourteen years working on the front lines of addiction, trauma recovery and gang diversion Roxan quit the nonprofit world to dedicate herself to full-time writing and spreading her brand of edgy, playful, often irreverent spirituality and personal development. She launched the Instagram account @Spiritual_AF in 2013 which has gone on to gain over 79K devoted followers. In March 2019 Roxan and Knock Knock Publishing will release two decks of cards offering hundreds of ways for people to either be grateful AF or spiritual AF. Roxan is currently finishing a memoir about her own trauma recovery and battle with addiction.
The World Needs More Of:
1. Ferocious gratitude.
2. Playfulness.
3. Self-help without the self-helpy-ness.
Wow Factor: A nun once told me that "Wow." is the most pure prayer we can say. Wow reminds me to marvel at the beauty of the world and the creatures in it. Wow helps me be present and not back away from moments that seem inexplicably and unfairly difficult. Wow reminds me that I can be surprised by joy and beautiful just as easily as I can be surprised by chaos and heartbreak. The wow prayer has kept me right-sized over a lifetime of roller coaster ups and downs.
Favorite Color: Grey
Make Sure To Visit:
1. https://www.roxanmcdonald.com
2. https://www.instagram.com/spiritual_af/

Monday Mar 25, 2019
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Guest: Stef Taukafa
Age: 26 years
Location: Sydney, Australia
Bio: Born and raised in Sydney Australia Former Professional Rugby League player Husband to a beautiful woman name Justine Taukafa, Father to 3 angels (Mckenzie, Adelaide & Mary-Jane Taukafa) Entrepreneur as a personal development & mentor coach for professional athletes
World Needs More Of
1. To really understand the true meaning of success and identity. “Education is a process of receiving and delivering” and that happens every day of our life that we have the opportunity to grow and learn about life’s experience and to identify what it will take to fulfill their full potential in life.
Wow factor: When I left my professional career to follow my gut feeling that wasn’t clear at that time and become one of the most powerful moments in life that’s made me the man I am today.
Favorite Color: Green

Friday Mar 22, 2019
Dr. Rich "The Smile Doctor" - What The World Needs More Of... SMILES :)
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Guest: Dr. Rich Castellano, The Smile Dr :)
Age: 46 Calendar years
Location: Tampa, FL
Bio: Wall Street Journal best-selling author Dr. Rich Castellano, (Known as The Smile Dr.) is an experienced facial rejuvenation artist, innovator and founder of the award-winning Practice Profitability MD Online Coaching and Mentoring program (PracticeProfitabilityMD.com). Dr. Rich travels the country teaching communication skills and bedside manner to doctors, healthcare providers, the military, teachers, athletes, and students. His new book “The Smile Prescription,” shares how to create an instant connection by identifying, measuring, and creating nonverbal communication cues and facial expressions. He has made hundreds of live appearances, including guest interviews on The Daily Buzz, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, and numerous other media outlets. As the Founder/Medical Director of ImageLift®, Dr. Castellano has performed over 10,000 laser and cosmetic treatments of the face and neck, making him one of the most sought-after facial plastic surgeons in the U.S. today. (fb.com/imagelift) Outside of the office, there is never a dull moment for Dr. Rich as he spends time with his wife Irene and 3 beautiful children. His favorite exercise is burpees, and he does 300 every morning!
The World Needs More:
1. Kindness
2. Respect
3. Communication
4. Presence
5. SMILES!! :)
WOW Factor: We can teach ANYONE to have more personality and connect more quickly and deeply by identifying, measuring, and creating correct body language and facial expression cues :) Working with thousands of patients and training live audiences has allowed us to continue to refine and enhance our strategies :)
Favorite Color: Purple

Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Guest: Andrea Shaw Nevins
Age: 53
Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Bio: Andrea Shaw Nevins is a life coach, an academic, and a motivational blogger. She completed the Martha Beck Life Coach Training Program and offers a range of services and products that support people on the path to boundless possibilities. She is also a professor, chair of the Department of History and Political Science, and assistant dean for academic affairs in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at Nova Southeastern University. She is the author of The Embodiment of Disobedience: Fat Black Women's Unruly Political Bodies. Her forthcoming book Working Juju: Representations of the Caribbean Fantastic will be published by the University of Georgia Press in 2019. Her fiction, as well as her scholarly writing, have been published in numerous journals, including Small Axe, World Literature Today, MaComére, The Caribbean Writer, Crab Orchard Review, Feminist Media Studies, and Social Semiotics. She graduated from the University of Miami with a Ph.D. in English and from Florida International University with an M.F.A in creative writing.
The World Needs More:
1. Embracing of fear and disappointment as guides to our paths.
WOW factor: ability to help folks reconceptualize of their lives and believe in new possibilities. Moments: My transition from being a struggling small business owner to a student immersed in the passionate study of English and the way how everything on my path rose up to meet me.
Favorite Color: Purple

Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Guest: Rock Thomas
Age: Limitless!
Location: Oh Canada!
Bio: From humble beginnings on a small Canadian farm near Montréal, Rock Thomas become a self-made millionaire, running several successful businesses and six award-winning RE/MAX franchises.
After achieving epic financial success, showered with accolades and awards, Rock embarked on a quest for personal growth, traveling the world and studying with acclaimed teachers like Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Deepak Chopra, John Gray, David Deida, David Wolfe, Jack Canfield, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Stephen Covey.
He absorbed success systems, life and business strategies, and countless life-changing experiences. After assimilating all he’d learned and talking with people from all walks of life who were seeking more too, he founded Rock Thomas International to bring the best-of-the-best to the world. His programs blend his extensive knowledge about personal development with cutting-edge success formulas designed to produce whole-life wealth.
Wow Factor: Tune in and find out! (you are going to LOVE IT!)
The World Needs More:
1. Self Love
2. Transparency
3. Authenticity
Favorite Color: TBD

Friday Mar 08, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Guest: Bridgett Burrick Brown
Age: Forever Young :)
Location: New York, NY
Bio: Mom. Wife. Model. Writer.
The World Needs More:
1. Less Judgement + More Compassion
Wow factor: My ability to be resilient. Also, if I do something I try and do it right which I think turns into me having a voice that people listen to. I grew up with a sick mother. I lost my parents and older brother in a 2-year time frame while my husband had cancer. I lost 3 pregnancies in a year. 2 of them pretty far along. I had to surrender and heal and DECIDE to create my life how I was going to live it.
Favorite Color: Purple or White

Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Caroline Pugh -- The World Needs More Of... Authentic connecting for good
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Guest: Caroline Pugh
Age: 26 years
Location: Washington, DC
Bio: Caroline Pugh is the Chief of Staff at CareJourney, a healthcare data analytics company based in Washington D.C. She is the Chief of Staff to Aneesh Chopra, the former Chief Technology Officer of the United States. Pugh is currently an advisor to Prime Chief of Staff, where she has helped build a national and international network of Chiefs of Staff. Pugh is also the Senior Advisor to the Africa Rising Foundation, a non-profit focused on youth empowerment and leadership in Africa started by Ndaba Mandela. Caroline was previously the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of VirtualU, a tech startup that developed 3D human scanning technology, that she started while an undergraduate at Virginia Tech. Pugh was the former Global Director of Partnerships and the Washington, D.C., President of Kairos Society, one of the world's largest student-run nonprofit organizations for entrepreneurship. She was also a contributor on health and entrepreneurship for the Huffington Post and a public speaker, where she has been invited to speak at international events like the Ambrosetti Forum, Milken Global Conference and the Bloomberg Next Big Thing Summit. She was recently named "15 Female Entrepreneurs to Watch" by Entrepreneur magazine and "master networker" in Forbes. Pugh has also been cited in the Washington Post, Fox News, NBC, TechCrunch, USA, Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal for her work.
The World Needs More:
1. Authentic connecting for good
WOW factor: Tune in and find out!!
Favorite color: Purple